Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Legendary Hero Decks
I Deck Eroe Leggendario
Destiny HERO Deck
Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategoryQty
LEHD-ITA00"Xtra HERO Dread Decimator""Terrore Decimatore EROE Xtra"Ultra RareEffect Link Monster1
LEHD-ITA01"Destiny HERO - Dogma""Dogma - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA02"Destiny HERO - Plasma""Plasma - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA03"Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster""Maestro del Terrore - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA04"Destiny HERO - Malicious""Malicious - EROE del Destino"Common
Ultra Rare
Effect Monster2
LEHD-ITA05"Destiny HERO - Celestial""Celestial - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA06"Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude""Ragazzo Diamante - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA07"Destiny HERO - Dread Servant""Servitore del Terrore - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA08"Destiny HERO - Disk Commander""Comandante Disco - EROE del Destino"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA09"Destiny HERO - Dark Angel""Angelo Oscuro - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA10"Destiny HERO - Dynatag""Dynatag - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA11"Destiny HERO - Drilldark""Drilldark - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITA12"Destiny HERO - Decider""Decisore - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA13"Destiny HERO - Dreamer""Dreamer - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA14"D Cubed""Cubo D"CommonEffect Monster3
LEHD-ITA15"Elemental HERO Shadow Mist""Nebbia Ombra EROE Elementale"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA16"Elemental HERO Blazeman""Blazeman EROE Elementale"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITA17"Destiny Draw""Pescata del Destino"Common
Ultra Rare
Normal Spell Card2
LEHD-ITA18"Over Destiny""Grande Destino"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEHD-ITA19"Clock Tower Prison""Prigione della Torre dell'Orologio"CommonField Spell Card1
LEHD-ITA20"Dark City""Città Oscura"CommonField Spell Card1
LEHD-ITA21"Mask Change""Cambio di Maschera"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card2
LEHD-ITA22"Polymerization""Polimerizzazione"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEHD-ITA23"Monster Reborn""Mostro Resuscitato"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITA24"Magical Stone Excavation""Ricerca della Pietra Magica"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITA25"Terraforming""Terraformare"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEHD-ITA26"A Feather of the Phoenix""Una Piuma Di Fenice"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITA27"Destiny Signal""Destino-Segnale"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITA28"D - Time""D - Ora"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITA29"Eternal Dread""Eterno Terrore"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITA30"D-Fusion""D-Fusione"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITA31"Destiny End Dragoon""Dragone del Destino Finale"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEHD-ITA32"Destiny HERO - Dusktopia""Dusktopia - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Fusion Monster2
LEHD-ITA33"Destiny HERO - Dystopia""Dystopia - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Fusion Monster2
LEHD-ITA34"Destiny HERO - Dangerous""Pericoloso - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEHD-ITA35"Masked HERO Dark Law""Legge Oscura EROE Mascherato"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEHD-ITA36"Masked HERO Anki""Anki EROE Mascherato"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEHD-ITA37"Xtra HERO Wonder Driver""Conduttore Meraviglioso EROE Xtra"Ultra RareEffect Link Monster1
Aesir Deck
Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategoryQty
LEHD-ITB00"Gullveig of the Nordic Ascendant""Gullveig degli Antenati Nordic"Ultra RareEffect Link Monster1
LEHD-ITB01"Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts""Tanngrisnir delle Bestie Nordic"Common
Ultra Rare
Effect Monster2
LEHD-ITB02"Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts""Tanngnjostr delle Bestie Nordic"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITB03"Garmr of the Nordic Beasts""Garmr delle Bestie Nordic"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITB04"Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts""Guldfaxe delle Bestie Nordic"CommonEffect Tuner monster2
LEHD-ITB05"Dverg of the Nordic Alfar""Dverg degli Alfar Nordic"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITB06"Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar""Ljosalf degli Alfar Nordic"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITB07"Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar""Svartalf degli Alfar Nordic"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITB08"Mara of the Nordic Alfar""Mara degli Alfar Nordic"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITB09"Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant""Mimir degli Antenati Nordic"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITB10"Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant""Valkyrie degli Antenati Nordic"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITB11"Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant""Vanadis degli Antenati Nordic"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITB12"Tyr of the Nordic Champions""Tyr dei Campioni Nordic"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITB13"The Nordic Lights""Le Luci Nordic"CommonField Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB14"Nordic Relic Draupnir""Reliquia Nordic Draupnir"CommonEquip Spell Card2
LEHD-ITB15"March Towards Ragnarok""Marcia Verso il Ragnarok"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB16"Forbidden Chalice""Calice Proibito"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB17"Forbidden Lance""Lancia Proibita"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB18"Forbidden Dress""Abito Proibito"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB19"Monster Reborn""Mostro Resuscitato"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB20"Soul Charge""Carica Anime"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB21"Dark Hole""Buco Nero"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB22"Hey, Trunade!""Ehi, Ritorno!"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB23"Mystical Space Typhoon""Tifone Spaziale Mistico"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITB24"Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir""Gleipnir, le Catene di Fenrir"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITB25"Nordic Relic Brisingamen""Reliquia Nordic Brisingamen"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITB26"Nordic Relic Laevateinn""Reliquia Nordic Laevateinn"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITB27"Nordic Relic Gungnir""Reliquia Nordic Gungnir"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITB28"Nordic Relic Megingjord""Reliquia Nordic Megingjord"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITB29"Solemn Authority""Autorità Solenne"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LEHD-ITB30"Thor, Lord of the Aesir""Thor, Signore degli Aesir"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB31"Loki, Lord of the Aesir""Loki, Signore degli Aesir"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB32"Odin, Father of the Aesir""Odino, Padre degli Aesir"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB33"Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree""Leo, il Custode dell'Albero Sacro"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB34"Ascension Sky Dragon""Drago Ascensione del Cielo"Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB35"Beelzeus of the Diabolic Dragons""Beelzeus dei Draghi Diabolici"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB36"Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons""Beelze dei Draghi Diabolici"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB37"Scrap Dragon""Drago Frammento"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEHD-ITB38"Coral Dragon""Drago Corallo"Ultra RareEffect Tuner Synchro Monster1
Phantom Knights Deck
Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategoryQty
LEHD-ITC00"The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche""I Cavalieri Fantasma della Berdica Rugginosa"Ultra RareEffect Link Monster1
LEHD-ITC01"The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak""I Cavalieri Fantasma dell'Antico Mantello"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITC02"The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots""I Cavalieri Fantasma degli Stivali Silenti"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITC03"The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves""I Cavalieri Fantasma dei Guanti Laceri"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITC04"The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm""I Cavalieri Fantasma dell'Elmo Frantumato"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITC05"The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor""I Cavalieri Fantasma dell'Armatura Fragile"CommonEffect Monster2
LEHD-ITC06"Armageddon Knight""Cavaliere dell'Armageddon"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITC07"Blue Mountain Butterspy""Farfallospia Montagna Blu"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITC08"Rescue Ferret""Furetto da Soccorso"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITC09"Junk Forward""Attaccante Rottame"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITC10"Kagemucha Knight""Cavaliere Kagemucha"CommonEffect Monster1
LEHD-ITC11"Cockadoodledoo""Cockadoodledoo"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITC12"Effect Veiler""Dissimulatore di Effetto"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LEHD-ITC13"The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch""Lancio Alza-Rango-Magico dei Cavalieri Fantasma"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card2
LEHD-ITC14"Phantom Knights' Spear""Cavalieri Fantasma - Lancia"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC15"Dark Hole""Buco Nero"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC16"Monster Reborn""Mostro Resuscitato"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC17"Foolish Burial""Sepoltura Sciocca"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC18"Reinforcement of the Army""Rinforzi dell'Esercito"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC19"Dark Eruption""Eruzione Oscura"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC20"Twin Twisters""Turbini Gemelli"Ultra RareQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEHD-ITC21"Phantom Knights' Fog Blade""Cavalieri Fantasma - Lama della Nebbia"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC22"Phantom Knights' Sword""Cavalieri Fantasma - Spada"CommonContinuous Trap Card2
LEHD-ITC23"Phantom Knights' Wing""Cavalieri Fantasma - Ala"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITC24"The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil""I Cavalieri Fantasma del Velo d'Ombra"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITC25"The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine""I Cavalieri Fantasma dell'Ombra Brigantina"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC26"The Phantom Knights of Dark Gauntlets""I Cavalieri Fantasma dei Guanti Oscuri"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC27"The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield""I Cavalieri Fantasma dello Scudo Tomba"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC28"The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace""I Cavalieri Fantasma dell'Avanbraccio Perduto"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC29"The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring""I Cavalieri Fantasma del Magnetanello Sbagliato"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEHD-ITC30"The Phantom Knights of Mist Claws""I Cavalieri Fantasma degli Artigli di Nebbia"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card1
LEHD-ITC31"The Phantom Knights of Break Sword""I Cavalieri Fantasma della Spada Infranta"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC32"The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin""I Cavalieri Fantasma del Giavellotto Maledetto"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC33"Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon""Drago Xyz Ribellione Oscura"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC34"Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon""Drago Xyz Requiem Oscuro"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC35"Evilswarm Nightmare""Incubo Brancomalvagio"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC36"Evilswarm Thanatos""Thanatos Brancomalvagio"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC37"Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad""Numero 86: Campione Eroico - Rhongomyniad"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC38"Leviair the Sea Dragon""Leviair il Drago del Mare"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEHD-ITC39"Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss""Dante, Viaggiatore dell'Abisso Bruciante"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1