Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Shadow Ghoul
English Shadow Ghoul
Chinese 陰影的食屍鬼
French Goule d'Ombre
German Schatten-Leichenfledderer
Italian Demone Fantasma
Korean 섀도우 구울
Portuguese Carniçal das Sombras
Spanish Ghoul de las Sombras
Japanese シャドウ・グール
Japanese (rōmaji) Shadō Gūru
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Zombie / Effect
Level 5 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK / DEF 1600 / 1300
Passcode 30778711
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories1999-07-08368Present
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent / Dark Duel Stories2000-07-13368????????????Present
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07368Present
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04368 14?????????Unlimited
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1301631000Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited
5D's Tag Force 42009-09-17Present
