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Struggle of Chaos is a Japanese Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game.

In other languages, this set is amalgamated with Mythological Age to create Legacy of Darkness.


Struggle of Chaos contains many Dragon, Fiend and Warrior-Type monsters and support. It also contains an Ultimate Rare reprint of "Summoned Skull".

Highly sought after cards include "Dark Ruler Ha Des", "Exiled Force", "Dark Balter the Terrible", "Ryu Senshi", "Fiend Skull Dragon" and "Reinforcement of the Army".

Yami Yugi's appearance on the cover of this booster pack is taken from the title page for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Duel 148: "One-Turn Kill". This was also later used for Duelist Legacy Volume.5 and Ancient Sanctuary.


Each pack contains 5 cards and each box contains 30 packs.

The set contains 51 cards or 54 in the Master Set. This is comprised of:




Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
SC-01"Dark Ruler Ha Des"「冥界の魔王 ハ・デス」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
SC-02"Dark Balter the Terrible"「魔人 ダーク・バルター」Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
SC-03"Lesser Fiend"「レッサー・デーモン」RareEffect Monster
SC-04"Possessed Dark Soul"「憑依するブラッド・ソウル」CommonEffect Monster
SC-05"Winged Minion"「ハ・デスの使い魔」CommonEffect Monster
SC-06"Skull Knight #2"「スカル・ナイト」CommonEffect Monster
SC-07"Ryu-Kishin Clown"「ガーゴイルの道化師」CommonEffect Monster
SC-08"Twin-Headed Wolf"「ツインヘッド・ケルベロス」CommonEffect Monster
SC-09"Opticlops"「レッド・サイクロプス」Normal RareNormal Monster
SC-10"Bark of Dark Ruler"「冥王の咆哮」CommonNormal Trap Card
SC-11"Fatal Abacus"「死の演算盤」RareContinuous Trap Card
SC-12"Life Absorbing Machine"「生命吸收裝置」CommonContinuous Trap Card
SC-13"The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler"「冥界流傀儡術」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-14"Soul Demolition"「魂粉砕」CommonContinuous Trap Card
SC-15"Double Snare"「ダブルトラップ」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-16"Freed the Matchless General"「無敗將軍 フリード」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
SC-17"Throwstone Unit"「投石部隊」CommonEffect Monster
SC-18"Marauding Captain"「切り込み隊長」CommonEffect Monster
SC-19"Ryu Senshi"「ドラゴン・ウォリアー」Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
SC-20"Warrior Dai Grepher"「戦士ダイ・グレファー」CommonNormal Monster
SC-21"Mysterious Guard"「聖なる守り手」CommonFlip monster
SC-22"Frontier Wiseman"「辺境の大賢者」CommonEffect Monster
SC-23"Exiled Force"「ならず者傭兵部隊」CommonEffect Monster
SC-24"The Hunter with 7 Weapons"「7つの武器を持つハンター」CommonEffect Monster
SC-25"Shadow Tamer"「デーモン・テイマー」RareFlip monster
SC-26"Dragon Manipulator"「ドラゴン・ライダー」CommonFlip monster
SC-27"The A. Forces"「連合軍」CommonContinuous Spell Card
SC-28"Reinforcement of the Army"「増援」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-29"Array of Revealing Light"「光の護封陣」RareField Spell Card
SC-30"The Warrior Returning Alive"「戦士の生還」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-31"Ready for Intercepting"「迎撃準備」CommonNormal Trap Card
SC-32"A Feint Plan"「陽動作戦」CommonNormal Trap Card
SC-33"Emergency Provisions"「非常食」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SC-34"Tyrant Dragon"「タイラント・ドラゴン」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
SC-35"Spear Dragon"「スピア・ドラゴン」RareEffect Monster
SC-36"Spirit Ryu"「スピリット・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Monster
SC-37"The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave"「洞窟に潛む竜」CommonNormal Monster
SC-38"Lizard Soldier"「リザード兵」CommonNormal Monster
SC-39"Fiend Skull Dragon"「デス・デーモン・ドラゴン」Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
SC-40"Cave Dragon"「グランド・ドラゴン」CommonEffect Monster
SC-41"Gray Wing"「グレイ・ウイング」CommonEffect Monster
SC-42"Troop Dragon"「軍隊竜」CommonEffect Monster
SC-43"The Dragon's Bead"「ドラゴンの宝珠」RareContinuous Trap Card
SC-44"A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon"「巨竜の羽ばたき」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-45"Dragon's Gunfire"「火竜の火炎弾」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-46"Stamping Destruction"「スタンピング・クラッシュ」CommonNormal Spell Card
SC-47"Super Rejuvenation"「超再生能力」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SC-48"Dragon's Rage"「竜の逆鱗」CommonContinuous Trap Card
SC-49"Burst Breath"「バーストブレス」CommonNormal Trap Card
SC-50"Luster Dragon #2"「エメラルド・ドラゴン」Super RareNormal Monster
SC-51"Summoned Skull"「デーモンの召喚」Ultimate RareNormal Monster