Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Darkness Approaches
(やみ) (おとず)
English Darkness Approaches
Chinese 暗之拜訪
French Approche des Ténèbres
German Finsternis naht
Italian L'Oscurità si Avvicina
Korean 어둠의 엄습
Portuguese As Trevas se Aproximam
Spanish La Oscuridad se Acerca
Japanese (kana) やみのおとずれ
Japanese (base) 闇の訪れ
Japanese (rōmaji) Yami no Otozure
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Normal Normal
Passcode 80168720
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07892Present
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04892 10?????????Unlimited
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited
5D's Tag Force 42009-09-17Present