Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Six Scrolls of the Samurai
(ろく) () (しょ)
English Six Scrolls of the Samurai
French Six Parchemins des Samouraïs
German Sechs Schriftrollen der Samurai
Italian Le Sei Pergamene dei Samurai
Korean 여섯 무사의 서
Portuguese Seis Pergaminhos dos Samurais
Spanish Seis Pergaminos de los Samurái
Japanese (kana) ろくぶノしょ
Japanese (base) 六武ノ書
Japanese (rōmaji) Rokubu no Sho
Japanese (translated) Documents of the Brave Six
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Quick-Play Quick-Play
Passcode 54913680
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
